Thursday 1 September 2011

I've been having some interesting thoughts about religion lately. I go to a VERY catholic school, so we learn a lot about Jesus, and the new testament. We do get to study Islam, which I find interesting. But I've been reading about Buddism outside school, and I think it's incredible. The idea of tranquility and peace is really inspiring. I have decided to follow the buddist way of life, even if I can't become a full buddist. Did you know that there have never been any wars fought in the name of buddism? How amazing is that?
I know buddism makes people think of 'awwmmm'noises and sitting cross-legged, but really meditating can just be going to a special place in your mind, or even in real life. Do you have a favourite spot? Sit there, and just think. Let your mind wander to the farthest reaches of the world. This is an excellent thing to do. My friend Caoimhe (@theotherothergirl on Twitter) is rather fond of walking meditiation, as she has named it it. It is when you simply walk. Think and walk. Walk and think. Find out where you going when you get there. A lot of this has sprung from a wonderful book called 'My name is Mina' which is the most inspiring book I have ever read. Mina is...just...Mina. There are no adjectives for her.

I have homework to do, but keep thinking!
-E x

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