Sunday 21 August 2011

Is your nerdiness scaring you? Call 1800 B-I-N-A-R-Y

Came to a realisation today. My own nerdiness scares me. I was watching The Big Bang Theory, (Brilliantly nerdy television series) When on the show, one of the charachters (Leonard, if you watch it) was nervous about making a presentation, and a friend suggest he make a joke to lighten the mood a bit. So Leonard thinks that's a great idea, and says;
"I have a joke, actually! So, this farmer breeds chickens, but they won't lay any eggs, and he brings in a physicist to figure out what's wrong with them. The physicist works for a while and then says: I have a solution, but it only works for-"
At which point I blurt out; "SPHERICAL CHICKENS IN A VACCUM" because I had told that joke two weeks previously. That's scary. I'm thirteen, if I didn't already tell you. Makes it scarier, doesn't it. I could also give you a brief history of the universe in song, If you like. No? Maybe later.
 Well, that's the end of my nerdy ramblings for today.
-Ella x

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